Uplevel Your Orgasm w/ Susan Bratton

Orgasms are learned skills. Bestselling author and sex expert Susan Bratton shares specific techniques to have truly orgasmic intercourse.

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How To Meditate, Masturbate, Manifest Like a Pro

Sure, you could make a vision board for your hopes and dreams. Or, you could masturbate.

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Best Of: Orgasms & Oral (No Penetration Required)

Sex isn’t just about penetration, yet that’s what we often mean by “having sex.” I give ideas for mutual masturbation, elevated oral & more.

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Low-Lift Pleasure Hacks: 5 Everyday Items That Elevate Your Sex

My favorite low-lift pleasure hacks you can try right now, without spending a dime.

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The Best Sex Toys According to Your Zodiac Sign

Let’s take a look at your Sun sign, your Sun qualities, and the sex toy that best speaks to those qualities. 

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How Often Should You Have Sex? & Other News

In today’s Sex In The News episode, I reveal how often happy couples have sex, new research on mutual masturbation, and more.

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Hotline Calls: Cuckolding & Kinky Sex

Fantasies teach us about our needs. From cuckolding to kinks, we explore fantasies, relationships, and how to get our needs met shame-free.

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5 Ways To Do It Doggy Style

Because it’s an undisputed favorite, doggy style sex can also get a little repetitive. So let’s look at 5 ways to play. 

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The Lover’s Guide to Sexual Etiquette

I’m not talking about technique – I’m talking manners.

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Am I The Asshole? I Wanted More Sex, So I Ended It

From refusing a partner’s fantasies to spilling a friend’s sexual history, I weigh in on AITA questions for sex & relationships.

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