Collage graphic of hands typing on a computer with bare legs sticking out and a lock around screen against a pink and green background of shapes

The Future of Sex Tech

There’s never been a more exciting era in the world of sex innovations.

BDSM & Kinks

How Do I Tell My Partner…?

How do you tell a partner something sensitive? Whether they have bad breath or a small penis, I help listeners find the right words.

Man in white underwear leaning into white wall with arm on the side and face hidden on a white background

3 Sexual Stereotypes to Stop Believing About Penis Owners

I invited penis owners to weigh in on sexual stereotypes they want you to retire. Here are the top three…

Anal Play

Unblock Your Sex Life

What’s holding you back from your best sex? From ghosting to lost attraction, I help you unpack these roadblocks to the pleasure you deserve.