
Finding Your Fantasy w/ Elle Chase

Sexual fantasies give us a window into what we need: a type of touch, a type of power, or even a type of person. Learn more on todays episode.

Explore & Play

How To Tell If They’re Feeling The Spark

Before we’re experts at anything, we’re all humble beginners. We are always learning, especially with Sex. Learn more on todays episode!

BDSM & Kinks

We’re All A Little Kinky

What does it mean exactly, when someone says they’re a voyeur? A sub? A cuckhold or an exhibitionist? Well folks, today we are getting a kinky education!

Ask Emily

Hotline Calls: Are You Bicurious?

In today’s episode, I’m taking your Sex With Emily hotline calls and answering your questions. Remember,… Read more »

Ask Emily

Sex in the Summer Sun

Summer is heating up and I’m here to make sure that your sex life follows suit.… Read more »

Explore & Play

Best Of: The Lies of Monogamy w/ Dr. Shefali

Ever wondered how culture has molded your sexuality? My guest, Dr. Shefali Tsabury, dives deep into… Read more »

Ask Emily

Are You Touch-Starved?

Did you know that the lack of physical touch can exacerbate anxiety and depression? How have… Read more »

Ask Emily

Best Of: Ready to Get Naughty?

Let’s face it: sex isn’t just a switch you can flip on and off. It’s more… Read more »

Ask Emily

Best Of: Conscious, Casual Sex

On today’s throwback episode, I’ll be teaching you how to dive into casual sex with purpose and channel your inner Samantha Jones.

Ask Emily

How to Turn Sexual Fantasies Into Reality

Eager to transform your hottest sexual fantasy into reality? Then today’s throwback Ask Emily show is… Read more »