
Live, Laugh, Stop Being Codependent w/ Adam Ferrara

Gotta love relationship advice delivered in a thick New York accent. I’ve got Adam Ferrara on the show and we’re healing your emotional triggers.

Ask Emily

Ejaculate Responsibly w/ Gabrielle Blair

In this show I’m talking with Gabrielle Stanley Blair, the author of that thread – and a forthcoming book, Ejaculate Responsibly.

Health & Wellness

Talkin’ Sex w/ My Therapist Dr Anadel Barbour

In this best-of episode, Dr. Barbour and I discuss EMDR therapy, the four foundations of mindfulness, and how to know if you’re in constant fight or flight.

Ask Emily

Best of: Curious Questions to Ask Your Partner w/ Jamye Waxman

In this episode Jamye Waxman is here to talk about core erotic blueprints, sexual accelerators and breaks, and the sixth love language: space and freedom. 

Ask Emily

Getting Over Your Sexual Fears

In this best of episode, I’m talking to you all about YOUR sex fears: period sex, sharing a fetish with a new partner, old traumas, and much more.


Sex & Loving Your Body w/ Shaun T

On this show, Shaun T gives me his genius sex and arousal hacks, how he and his partner keep things interesting after 12 years, plus…his favorite kink.


Best of: Orgasms & Hotline Calls

Despite their reputation as magical, mysterious events, orgasms are way more accessible than most of us realize, once we understand the science behind them.

Ask Emily

What’s Your Arousal Type?

The science of sexual arousal is ever-evolving, but on this show I’m looking at some of the most common ways people get turned on.

Ask Emily

Penis Problems, Solved

In this episode, we’re talking to you all about penis shockwave therapy, what to do when you take ED meds (but aren’t getting hard), and more.


Masturbation Pro Tips (Part 2)

It’s Part 2 of our Masturbation Pro Tips series, and in this episode, we’re talking solo sex in the context of a relationship.