Up(Date) the Way You Date

On today’s show, Emily is bringing you a mash-up all about dating – because what better… Read more »

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Mind, Body & Mojo with Dana B. Myers

On today’s show, Emily is joined by entrepreneur, writer, media personality, & founder of The Satisfied… Read more »

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Quick Fix: Orgasms & Threesomes

On today’s show, Emily is talking about some uncommon sex news – including virtual reality porn,… Read more »

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Untrue Sex Stats & Pleasure Facts with Dr. Wednesday Martin

On today’s show, Emily is joined by social researcher & best-selling author Dr. Wednesday Martin to… Read more »

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Sex Talk You Can Take Home to Mom

On today’s show, Emily is joined by Cam & KarenLee Poter from the podcast Sex Talk… Read more »

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Position Breakdown: Doggy Style vs. Cat Position

Dog lovers and cat lovers have always been at odds. While doggie style has long reigned supreme, here comes CAT position, to knock it off its perch.

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Multiplying Orgasms & Pleasure

On today’s show, Emily is talking about how to become the multi-orgasmic being you are totally… Read more »

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Next Level: Masturbation Elevation

On today’s show, Emily is talking about ways to switch up your masturbation routine – because… Read more »

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Here’s How to Combine Cannabis with Masturbation

Weed+masturbation=a great time.

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Making Love Last Longer with Jeff Abraham

On today’s show, Emily is joined by CEO of Promescent Jeff Abraham and they’re talking about… Read more »

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