Does Size Matter? 15 Years of Penis Questions

We’ve come a long way since Sex With Emily started 15 years ago, but there’s still… Read more »

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Pregnancy During COVID, Porn Addiction and Finding New Orgasms

If you think quarantine is difficult, imagine adding pregnancy to the equation. Are you thinking about… Read more »

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How to Use Spirituality to Enhance Your Sexuality

Candles. Crystals. Meditation. Yoga. Prayer. Reading a new age, self-help book. All these things sound great,… Read more »

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Owning Your Oral : 15 Years of Good Head

In celebration of 15 years of Sex With Emily, we dove deep into the archives to… Read more »

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Living Outside the Binary, Ending Relationships in COVID and BDSM Play

Happy International Non-binary People’s Day! In this episode, Emily talks to the charming non-binary actor Vico… Read more »

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Can Crystals Actually Help Your Sex Life?

Looking to mix spirituality with sex? Crystals may be the perfect addition to your nightstand.

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First Episode Ever: 15 Years of Sex With Emily

It’s been 15 years of Sex With Emily and what better way to celebrate than to… Read more »

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What To Do When You Find Your Daughter’s Vibrator

In this episode, Emily talks to Sex With Emily regular, psychological astrologer, Dr. Jennifer Freed, to… Read more »

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Six Tips for Becoming a Better Kisser

Become a better kisser in a matter of minutes.

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Initiating Sex is a Skill Not a Habit

In this Episode Emily kicks off Sexual Liberation Month. She sets the tone with provocative questions… Read more »

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