Open Mics & Open Relationships with Tom Goss

On today’s show, Dr. Emily is joined by musician Tom Goss to talk about opening up… Read more »

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Sexy Texts & the Art of Phone Sex

On today’s show, Dr. Emily is talking about the benefits of phone sex – from upping… Read more »

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Giving Gifts of Pleasure: A Guide

On today’s show, Dr. Emily and her team are giving you a gift guide of pleasure… Read more »

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Growing Mindsets & Making Impacts with Tom Bilyeu

On today’s show, Dr. Emily is joined by entrepreneur and founder of Impact Theory Tom Bilyeu… Read more »

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There are a few things in life that we all as humans do, but among eating, drinking, breathing, and the like, there’s watching porn – which has been (and feels like it’ll always be) a pretty solid cornerstone of life.

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Oh, All the Places You’ll Go with Multiple O’s!

On today’s show, Dr. Emily is giving you all the specific sex hacks you need in… Read more »

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How Lube Changed Our Lives

Lube=better sex and more orgasms. This is why.

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For the Love (& Crave) of Sex Toys with Ti Chang

  On today’s show, Dr. Emily is joined by co-founder of Crave Ti Chang & they’re… Read more »

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Ask Emily: How Do I Stop Slippage During Sex?

Slippage happens to just about everyone, but because it’s something we don’t usually see depicted in porn or read about in erotica, it can feel like it’s happening only to you.

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The Sexual Laws of Attraction

On today’s show, Dr. Emily is explaining the differences between physical vs. emotional attraction & whether… Read more »

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