Hotline Calls: Hook-Ups & Opening Up
Want better sex without the awkward convos? I’ve got you. From lube myths to delayed ejaculation and casual sex done right—let’s talk.
Hotline Calls: Is My Kink Normal?
Can you only orgasm one way? Wondering if your kink is normal? I answer your most personal sex & relationship questions LIVE today.
Hotline Calls: My Partner Doesn’t Orgasm
In today’s Hotline Calls episode, I’m taking all your pressing sex questions, from casual sex to what to do when your partner doesn’t orgasm.
4 Penis Problems and 4 Ways to Solve Them
Sex positions aren’t just fun to play with: they’re strategic.
Penis Problems? Not Anymore
From erection issues to sex-related injuries, we’re normalizing penis problems and providing tools to help mend your member.
I Love My Partner, But My Coworker Is Hot
Got relationship drama? Don’t we all. On today’s show, I’m helping you navigate choppy relationship waters, to get to the other side safely.
Best Of: An Ode to Oral (Sex)
I break down attitudes about oral sex and answer your questions about orgasms, insecurities, and mismatched libidos.