Stale to Sexy
Edge Your Way to Longer Sex

You’ve heard me talk about the importance of a woman’s orgasm but you’re still wondering, ‘what… Read more »

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Cuckolding, Consent & Casual Sex

Today I’m talking with sex, kink, and relationship educator Sarah Sloane from the dating app #Open… Read more »

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Random Acts of Oral With Shani Hart

Today I’m talking with certified sexuality coach Shani Hart about how to keep yourself satisfied while… Read more »

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6 Sex Positions for Every Room of the House

Is your bedroom game becoming a little repetitive? Look no further, let’s transform your house into the perfect sexual playground.

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12 Books to Add to Your Sex Ed Library

If you want to have better orgasms, learn new positions, or simply feel more sexually confident, add some of these sex books to your nightstand.

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Staycations & Sex Talks

Dr. Emily is on a mission to make sex talks easier. Here are the essential steps for having a sex talk with literally anyone in your life.

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Ask Emily: Is It Okay to Always Use a Clitoral Vibrator With a Partner?

Is there such a thing as too much of a vibrator?

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Is That A Red Flag In Your Pocket Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?

When it comes to relationships, it’s not unusual to get into unhealthy patterns—so I’m going to… Read more »

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The 7 Best Positions For Butt Sex

Forget doggy style—there’s a world of perfect positions for anal play.

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Porn vs Reality

Today I bring you a special combination of guests, to give you a unique perspective on… Read more »

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