Getting Intimate & Orgasmic with Dr. Ava Cadell

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Today, Emily welcomes professional speaker, writer and sex therapist Dr. Ava Cadell to the podcast. Together, Ava and Emily traverse a wide range of topics, including keeping the intimacy alive in your marriage, dealing with sexual guilt and exploring your erogenous zones.

Coming from a sexually closed-off background, Dr. Cadell has flourished since fulfilling her fate as a sexologist. She shares how her upbringing has influenced her life choices and gives us some of her hardest hitting hints on how to have a satisfying sexual and romantic life. From her charming definition of intimacy to the best ways to find your nipple orgasm, Ava has a wide range of tips for pleasure and fulfillment.

Ava also helps Emily answer emails from some distressed listeners. Is your sexual satisfaction  with your serious S.O. waning? Do you feel guilt about certain people you’ve slept with? Are you and your partner having trouble physically fitting together during sex? If any of these problems ring a bell for you, this podcast has some seriously sound advice for you. Listen in on the discussion about everything from overcoming feelings of regret to the importance (or lack thereof) of penis size!

Whether you’re ready to uncover erogenous zones you never knew you had or to address resentments from a partner that you never knew they had, this Sex With Emily podcast provides fail-safe problem solving tools to take you from confused to sexually content. Don’t miss it!


For more from Dr. Ava Cadell, visit, or take classes at her Loveology University.

Or follow her on Twitter/IG @DrAvaCadell