Best of: No Shame, Just Sex w/ Erin Tillman

This show with guest Erin Tillman, we’re calling out sexual shame, and choosing the sex messaging that actually serves us.

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Orgasms & Oral (No Penetration Required)

I’m talking up all the different types of non-penetrative sex to help you break out of a conventional sex script, and have better sex.

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Ask Emily: Tips For French Kissing

Kissing is an art!

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Best of: Curious Questions to Ask Your Partner w/ Jamye Waxman

In this episode Jamye Waxman is here to talk about core erotic blueprints, sexual accelerators and breaks, and the sixth love language: space and freedom. 

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More Sex, Less Narcissism w/ Jenny Mollen

Jenny Mollen, bestselling author, actor and podcast host joins me to talk about her experience with social media and helps me answer your questions.

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Overcoming 4 Common Sex Fears

Sex demands vulnerability

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Getting Over Your Sexual Fears

In this best of episode, I’m talking to you all about YOUR sex fears: period sex, sharing a fetish with a new partner, old traumas, and much more.

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Prostate Play 101

I know you’re booty-curious. 

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Sex & Loving Your Body w/ Shaun T

On this show, Shaun T gives me his genius sex and arousal hacks, how he and his partner keep things interesting after 12 years, plus…his favorite kink.

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Best of: Orgasms & Hotline Calls

Despite their reputation as magical, mysterious events, orgasms are way more accessible than most of us realize, once we understand the science behind them.

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