Stale to Sexy
No Shame in Your Fantasy Game

What’s your biggest fantasy? I discuss the psychology behind your fantasies, how to bring them up with a partner and why having a rich fantasy life is important for your sexual health.

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Ask Emily: How Do I Have Multiple Orgasms?

Multiple orgasms aren’t just a myth. Here’s how you can start to add more climaxes into your life.

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Touch Me, Please

Let’s talk about how you can find more touch and intimacy in your daily life.

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How to Be Happy w/ Dr. Amen

Dr. Amen and I discuss the ways stress affects your sexual performance, tips to combat your automatic negative thoughts, and his new book Your Brain is Always Listening.

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Ask Emily: How Do I Break Up With Someone?

Even if you know it’s the right thing to do, breaking up is no easy task. Here’s how to go about it with kindness and empathy.

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Get Your Masters in Masturbation

Your masturbation class is in session.

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What Your Attachment Style Says About Your Love Life

Attachment styles can dictate how you show up in a relationship. Here’s what you need to know.

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Best of: Hotter, Deeper Sex w/John Wineland

Explore the polarity of masculine and feminine energy, how to build attraction from the inside out, and tools to enhance connection.

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6 Love & Sex Lessons I Learned From Bridgerton

Bridgerton isn’t all steamy sex scenes. Here are the relationship lessons we took away from Season 1.

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Ask Emily: Where the Heck is My G-Spot?

Honestly, it’s more of a g-area.

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