Loose Vagina

Is There Such Thing as Loose Vagina?

Once upon a time I had a boyfriend who told me I had a loose vagina.… Read more »

blurry woman doing kegals with white floral arrangement in front of her body in focus

The Amazing Device That Does Your Kegels for You

If you’ve ever needed help doing your kegel exercises, have no fear, Yarlap is here. It’s an amazing new product that does your kegels for you!

peg standing in front of a large shadow
Ask Emily

Ask Emily: My Partner’s Penis Is Too Big!

Although people are usually worried about their penis being too small, more people actually inquire about how to enjoy a larger-than-average member.

Ask Emily

How Do I Tell Him I Squirt?

I know the subject of squirting may feel a bit taboo, but squirting is not an uncommon part of orgasm.

unrecognizable woman dancing in white skirt and top with back facing camera in front of an ocean horizon

What are Reverse Kegels? (And How to Do Them)

Reverse Kegels aren’t normal pelvic exercises done in reverse, but a strategic exercise to relax your pelvic floor.