On today’s show, Dr. Emily is joined by founder of EatNakedLA Fernando Restrepo to talk about how to be healthier in your regular life for a healthier sex life. Plus, she’s answering your sex & relationship questions.
They discuss how having a healthier diet can actually help your bedroom performance, as well as which foods can make your appetite for sex even higher. Plus, advice on how to give directions in bed that also sound sexy and what to do when you have some qualms about your new partner’s kinks.
For more information about Fernando & EatNakedLA, click below:
EatNakedLA: Instagram | Twitter
For more information about or to purchase the products mentioned in this podcast, click below:
Woo Freshies: After Play Wipes
Zumio: Join the Pleasure Revolution
Magic Wand Plus: There’s a Reason Why It’s Magic
Promescent: Make Love Longer