Isodating in a Pandemic with #Open


2020 was really rough on people with active dating and social lives. Staying safe at home meant that our normal patterns of meeting people for dinner, drinks, or something a bit more intimate, had to be put on hold. But humans are still humans,  and we didn’t just give up on it! We got creative and started “Isodating” with #open.

What exactly is Isodating? How do you do it? And how can help it help you get some human to human social contact, or maybe even more?

Dating in a Pandemic

Now that we’ve been living in the midst pandemic for a few months, we’re facing a lot of uncertainty about what our “new normal” will be, and how our dating lives will change. It’s not as safe or easy to get together in person as it used to be. As a result, we’ve been relying on technology to help us get through the loneliness and separation of life in quarantine. We’ve been Isodating.

WTF is Isodating?

Isodating is a term used to describe the technology-driven style of pandemic dating. In other words, moving all of our connections to online video, phone, or chat dates. Meeting new people via technology is nothing new, but since the Coronavirus outbreak, it has jumped even further to the front of the line of ways to meet people. It’s never been a better time to explore dating apps

As in-person methods of meeting potential partners are still extremely limited, a dating app can be a fantastic way to get yourself out there and meeting new people. Using a dating app to not just swipe right, but to take time to get to know your potential date, gives you a chance to feel confident about what decisions you make for your own pleasure—and safety.

Meet #open, the Queen of Alternative Dating Apps

#open is a new, inclusive, community-forward dating app that makes forming connections with people easy and enjoyable.

Over the past few months, #open has been listening to dating and sexuality experts as well as chatting with their #open member community about how they’re shifting their dating approaches. They’ve been thinking about how to create some sustainable dating options in our lives – whether we’re already dating someone regularly, or we’re looking for someone (or someones) entirely new.

While the situation is drastically different for each of us, depending on where we live and our own risk factors, the good news is that we’re now finding ways to date and connect  safely and creatively.

#open members had some great ideas—from first time coffee dates to more elaborate events. In fact, one of them even shared that they’d booked a performer for a personalized concert date night! It’s become clear that the people who are navigating lockdown dating the best are great at making lemonade out of lemons.

Here are some of our pandemic-friendly tips to help you date (and mate) in safer, super sexy ways, with the help of the #open app

Focused on finding the right people?

Make use of the boundaries as well as the preferences in #open so that you don’t waste your time and energy on people who aren’t clear about what they’re looking for. Our time and energy aren’t infinite, and we know that clearly identifying who we are, and what we want, can help ensure that the connections we make are going to live up to our fondest hopes. Remember – you can’t get what you want unless you’re willing to ask for it!

Try something new.

Look for folks in the app (using our hashtag search feature) who are already into what you’re thinking about trying, and swipe right. Even if you can’t explore together in person, you can ask questions, flirt, fantasize, and discuss safe and creative ways to find out if you want to take it even further.

Stay safe when it’s time to meet up.

#open has some creative ideas for sexy dates on their social media, so you can always check them out for some inspiration. Perhaps you can schedule a flirtatious picnic outdoors, far enough apart to stay safe, but close enough to get each other a little hot and bothered. If you decide to enjoy dinner at a restaurant’s outdoor patio, make sure to wear a mask and maintain distance from other patrons and servers. The added privacy doesn’t hurt when the conversation gets raunchy.

Considering non-monogamy?

Using an app that’s specifically suited to your needs is a great way to start. For many people who are in long-term relationships, an ENM (ethical non-monogamy) and polyamory-friendly dating app can be an ideal way to dip your toes in the water and see if it’s really something that you feel comfortable with before you meet up with new potential partners. #open is perfect for exploring alternative relationship styles.

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Re-thinking our dating and intimacy plans is hard right now. But it’s absolutely possible to approach it curiosity, respect, and a willingness to try new things is the key to thriving during the pandemic. After all, we all deserve to experience inspiration, connectedness, and pleasure—especially during tough times.