Raise the Roof On Your Sex Life

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On today’s show, Emily is giving you ways to raise your sexual bar as high as it can go as well as taking your calls.

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She talks about why even when sex is amazing, you that you can always make it better, how ultimatums are never a good sign, but there are ways to reframe the conversation, and what to do when your partner thinks sex once a day is still not enough. Plus, ways to get into the dating scene when you’re finally ready to get out there.

For more information about or to purchase the products mentioned in this podcast, click below:
Adam & Eve: Sex Toys and Savings
Fleshlight: The #1 Sex Toy for Men
Pjur: Love Gives You More
GAINSwave: Wave Goodbye To Erectile Dysfunction
SiriusXM: Free Trial for Even more Sex Talk!