Uplevel Your Orgasm w/ Susan Bratton

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Orgasms are learned skills. So says bestselling author and sex expert Susan Bratton, who teaches couples and individuals to have more collaborative, orgasmic intercourse. Today, Susan and I answer your questions about being a better lover, erasing sexual shame, and, of course… having tons of orgasms. First: how do you help a partner who never orgasms during sex? Susan and I have ideas. Next, how do you train your G-spot for internal orgasms? We give you specific techniques to train your vaginal canal, and help make the area more engorged and responsive. How about Doggy Style – can the receiving partner orgasm more easily in this position? Susan talks through the Glissando Technique to help you out. We also talk through female ejaculatory pleasure and squirting, delayed ejaculation and much (much!) more.


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