Hotline Calls: Ghosting, Orgasms & Open Relationships
I answer your questions about what it means when you fantasize about your ex, how soon to start dating after a breakup, and ways to avoid ghosting.
Hotline Calls: Where Did the Sex Go?
I’m answering your hotline calls like what to do if you can’t stop fantasizing about women (but you’re in a healthy relationship with a man).
Best of: Sex Drive, Love & Attachment w/ Dr. Helen Fisher
Dr. Helen Fisher and I discuss how our personality traits shape our attraction to others and the way our biology influences who we love.
Is Social Media Blocking Your Sex Life?
Social media is becoming the “third” partner in so many of our relationships, but it’s not the threesome most of us are craving.
Play With Yourself w/ Dr. Megan Stubbs
Dr. Megan Stubbs explores why being single doesn’t have to be a layover, it can be your destination.
Tell Me About the Last Time You Had Sex w/ Ian Kerner
The author of She Comes First joins me to talk about his new book and why fantasies are so important for your relationship.
Fire Up Your Flirting
How to regain confidence, important questions to ask yourself before “jumping back out there,” and how to find a partner who’s right for you.
How To Keep the Honeymoon Vibes Alive
What to do when the initial spark begins to fade.
How To Not Die Alone w/ Logan Ury
Practical tips for avoiding dating blindspots, the drawbacks of unrealistic expectations, and algorithms to live by for finding a satisfying relationship.
Touch Me, Please
Let’s talk about how you can find more touch and intimacy in your daily life.